• Vacancy

Vacancy – Office Assistant

Position: Office Assistant 
Salary: $12,379 – $20,800 per annum depending on experience and   qualifications plus generous fringe benefits 
Closing Date: March 14, 2025

PICRC is seeking applicants for the position of Office Assistant. The main duties  for this position will be providing the Research Department staff and visiting guest  researchers with administrative support and performing routine office tasks  according to established policies and procedures. 

Applicants must have experience in office support functions and administrative  work, be familiar with computers and common office programs and have a valid  Palau Driver’s License. This position requires a high school diploma. 

To apply, please fill out a PICRC application form available at the Giant Clam Gift  Shop or download from the link below and submit with 2×2 photo size or a copy of your ID to Ms. Caryn L. Koshiba, Administration Director, Palau International Coral  Reef Center. You can also email your application to [email protected] 

DOWNLOAD : Application for Employment Form

Submitted applications will be acknowledged upon receipt. Only short-listed applicants will be notified within two weeks after the closing date of this  announcement to set up interview appointments. Applications must be received no  later than the above closing date.  

Be part of the PICRC Team and contribute to conservation efforts in Palau  and the world!