• Education

PICRC continues its outreach program to Outlying State with a Visit to Angaur Elementary School

The Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC) brought its education and outreach program to Angaur earlier this month.  During the visit, PICRC outreach staff conducted various hands on activities with the students highlighting the research work of the Center.  The outreach activities included presentations on Invasive Species presentation, in support of the GEF6 Biodiversity and Invasive Species project.   The visit to Angaur followed the school outreach to Peleliu Elementary School last month.  

During the visit, PICRC outreach staff and researchers provided various hand-on activities and presentations.  Hands-on activities included eDNA sampling, Ocean Acidification and Marine Protected Areas.  In addition, the students in Angaur also got to hear about their Marine Protected Areas, the Iuaiu Conservation Area.  Results of PICRC ongoing monitoring of Iuaiu were presented by PICRC researcher Victor Nestor.  To conclude the program, Mr. Singe Hideos, PICRC’s communications and outreach officer, talked to the students about invasive species, highlighting a special case study on the monkeys in Angaur.

“The visit to Angaur Elementary School is part of our efforts to bring our school programs to those who normally do not have access to our programs,” according to PICRC CEO, Dr. Yimnang Golbuu.  “It is harder to bring students from outlying states to Koror to attend PICRC’s programs so we are bringing our programs to the outlying states.”