• PICRC staff

Wynona Tahira Ewatel joins PICRC as Research Department Office Assistant

The Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC) was pleased to welcome Wynona Tahira Ewatel who joined the Center in August as the Research Department Office Assistant. Her main duties involve providing the Research Department staff and visiting guest researchers with administration support and performing routine office tasks.

Tahira attended Palau Community College where she studied AS Information Technology. She is currently an undergraduate student in Communication Studies and Public Relations at the University of Guam. Previously she has had summer internships at the House of Delegates and Ministry of Health. She loves playing volleyball and listening to music. 

“I am happy that I get a chance to work at the Center with its diverse environment,” Tahira said. “This opportunity will help develop my communication skills and professional and personal growth to better myself for the future.”

Her philosophy is to smile always and spread positivity with good laughs and exercise. Welcome to PICRC!