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PNMS Song Contest MP3 Files

We would like to share PNMS Song Contest music files. Download the songs from the links below to enjoy the music from these talented artists.

These songs are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND. Please save, distribute, and enjoy the music but:

· Only for non-commercial purposes
· No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted
· Remember to credit the songwriters!

Link: Creative Commons – CC BY-NC-ND

1st Prize: Kendall Titiml “Tal Ngimch”

Download : “Tal Ngimch”

2nd Prize: Neil Fisher “Euotelel”

Download : “Euotelel”

3rd Prize: Sarah Sugiyama “Euotelel a Klingil A Debel Belau”

Download : “Euotelel a Klingil A Debel Belau”

Most Popular Song : Kelau C. Remeliik “PNMS a di Kloklek”

Download : “PNMS a di Kloklek”