• Research

World expert on tuna reproductive biology conducts training workshop for PICRC researchers

On the week of March 27th, Dr. Kurt Schaefer, a recently retired tuna reproductive biologist, who spent 44 years as a Senior Scientist with the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, led a histology training workshop for the researchers at the Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC). The aim of the training was to equip the researchers with skills to carry out an investigation looking at the reproductive dynamics of tuna within the Palau National Marine Sanctuary (PNMS).

The training focused on the assessment of tuna reproduction which included experimental design, sample collection and processing as well as the characterization of tuna reproductive states using histology. Dr. Schaefer also discussed with PICRC researchers what was required to move forwards with this project, including the collection of the required ovarian tissues to assess spawning of yellowfin and big-eyed tunas within the PNMS.

PICRC would like to thank Dr. Schaefer, a world expert in tuna reproductive biology, for contributing his time and expertise to this training. The researchers will utilize this training to further their work on tuna reproduction in the PNMS.