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PICRC-JICA project team implements ecotourism training in Ngiwal State

From November 5th to 28th, the coastal ecosystem management project team from the Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) carried out a series of mangrove ecotourism training sessions for community members of Ngiwal State. In total, 27 community members, all of whom wished to become ecotour guides, were trained. Ngiwal State has two Protected Area Network (PAN) sites along the coast: Ngemai Conservation Area and Ngerbekuu River Watershed Nature Reserve. These rich natural environments are ideal for promoting ecotourism.

During the training, participants learned about kayak tours, customer service, marketing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), history, terrestrial flora and fauna, mangrove ecosystems, and more. Ngiwal State Government, Paddling Palau, Belau National Museum, Palau Small Business Development Center, Palau Red Cross Society, and some individual experts helped to implement the training.

On November 28th, a closing ceremony was held at Labek in Ngiwal State. The ceremony was opened with an address by Honorable Francisco Melaitau, Governor of Ngiwal State. Dr. Hideki Yukihira, a JICA expert, then talked about the different trainings that were held. Mr. Ryutaro Kobayashi, Chief Representative of JICA Palau Office, and Ms. Geraldine Rengiil, Director of Research Department, PICRC, made congratulatory speeches. After that, certificates were awarded to the trainees by Governor Melaitau, Mr. Kobayashi, Ms. Rengiil, and Ms. Leena Mesebeluu, Director of Bureau of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Environment. Finally, Ms. Willa Wong, Ngiwal State PAN Coordinator, gave a speech as the representative of the trainees.

This ecotourism training is part of a three-year joint coastal ecosystem management project of PICRC and JICA. The PICRC-JICA project team and Ngiwal State Government are implementing a pilot activity to promote mangrove ecotours under Ngiwal State’s Sustainable Ecotourism Management Plan.