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Kendall Titiml and Kelau Remeliik set to perform at PICRC’s 23rd Anniversary Fundraising Gala Dinner

Two of Palau’s most talented artists, Kendall Titiml and Kelau Remeliik, will join the Palau International Coral Reef Center’s (PICRC) largest and most significant event of the year on January 18, 2024. PICRC’s annual Anniversary Fundraising Gala Dinner helps raise funds for the research and educational programs carried out by the Center.

Kendall Titiml is a famous Palauan singer and songwriter who received first prize at the PNMS song challenge at the end of 2022. He has been singing since elementary school and started writing music during high school. His song submission for the PNMS song challenge, “Tal Ngimech”, aimed to humanize the PNMS and to show that the PNMS is by us, for us, and for our children’s future.

Kelau Remeliik is another well-known Palauan singer and songwriter. She received the most popular song prize at the same song challenge for her submission “PNMS a di kloklek”.

Titiml and Remeliik will provide entertainment throughout the event, helping to guarantee a memorable event for all attendees, showcasing a mix of laid back and upbeat music. They have previously collaborated with PICRC during the fundraising gala dinner, providing great entertainment at PICRC’s 22nd anniversary. 

With the theme Navigating Changing Seas, PICRC’s 23rd anniversary will acknowledge the transitions that the Center faced over the last few years, the challenging nature of ocean conservation, the Center’s expansion into Palau’s deep open ocean, and the further development of nearshore research and monitoring.

This fundraising event aims to bring partners and supporters together for an enjoyable night celebrating the anniversary of Palau’s very own research center. It will be held on PICRC’s grounds. Tickets are on sale for $100 per person. To purchase a ticket or to make a donation, please contact our Administration office at (680) 488-6950/6953 or email [email protected]. The formal event will include showcasing the work of the Center with fine dining. Please join us in celebrating the 23rd Anniversary of the Palau International Coral Reef Center!