• PICRC staff

Former intern, Maikani Mereng Andres, returns to PICRC as researcher

The Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC) is happy to welcome Maikani Mereng Andres back as a Researcher. Maikani has a long history with PICRC, having completed a number of internships here since high school, and has recently graduated from the University of Hawaii at Hilo with a major in Marine Biology and a minor in Communications.

Before returning to PICRC, Maikani interned at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution where she researched the spawning and growth of corals. She also took part in a research cruise to the Arctic where she looked at deep sea plankton, showcasing her willingness to explore diverse marine environments and projects. Part of Maikani’s role as a Researcher will include conducting surveys to monitor the coral reefs in Palau.

“As a Researcher at PICRC, I expect to contribute to national and global marine conservation efforts,” stated Maikani. “I am very enthusiastic about conservation and excited to contribute to this work. PICRC’s projects help us understand the overall state of our marine ecosystems, which will help improve their management.”

Maikani will also be taking part in a deep-sea research expedition in the Palau National Marine Sanctuary (PNMS) on Ocean Exploration Trust’s E/V Nautilus when the vessel visits the PNMS in October this year.

The Center’s team is excited to welcome Maikani and looks forward to working with her on the research of Palau’s marine environments.