• Event

PICRC launches Tal Ngimech – One Drop Film Festival

In celebration of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary’s (PNMS) 8th Anniversary, the Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC) launched a call to all students from Kindergarten to PCC to submit a 2–3-minute film on what the ocean means to them and tying it to the importance of the PNMS. There were four (4) categories: K-4th grade, 5th-8th grade, high school, and PCC. The call for submissions opened on September 6th and closed on October 14th. A total of 17 submissions were received. The Tal Ngimech – One Drop Film Festival was held on October 25th at PICRC.

The event was a huge success, with 200+ people in the audience to view all the great video submissions. A big thank you to everyone who helped, especially the Civic Action Team for providing free popcorn, Ms. Iesha Tulop for face painting, and Mr. Edwin Ongrung for his PA systems. We look forward to launching similar events in 2024, to highlight the upcoming PNMS research expedition in collaboration with the Ocean Exploration Trust (OET).