Arts &Tides Calendar
Since 2001, PICRC has organized the annual Arts and Tides Calendar contest, a community-based program to engage elementary and high school students in ocean conservation through art. Students from all sixteen states are asked to submit original artwork inspired by the calendar’s yearly theme, focused on a different area of ocean advocacy. Winning submissions from each grade level are published in the calendar and awarded prizes!
The Arts and Tides Calendar is one of our most popular programs, and sees submissions from hundreds of students across Palau each year!
The 2021 Arts and Tides Calendar was generously sponsored by the Government of Australia, Surangel and Sons Co., the Republic of China (Taiwan), WCTC, Blue Bay, Toba Aquarium, Sun’s Flower Shop, the Ngaramaiberel and the Belau Medical Clinic. Thank you for your support!

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