Our staff have authored or contributed chapters to the following books.

“Mangrove Guidebook – Okeburs er a Belau”
Carey R, Ito H, Itagaki K
Contributed reviewers:
Adema D, Kitalong AH, Hanser S
Palau International Coral Reef Center, Palau Community College and Japan International Cooperation Agency
40pp. 2025

“Handbook of a Tropical Coral Seedling for Climate Change Adaptation”
Climate Change Science and Adaptation Office, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Abe H, Nakamura R, Suzuki G, Shinzato C, Kimura T, Nakamura T, Koshiba CL, Golbuu Y, Bukurrou A, Tellei AI, Cassidy D, Manuel L, Ito H
Ministry of the Environment, Japan 2024

“Coasts and Estuaries The Future”
Eric Wolanski, John W. Day, Michael Elliott, Ramesh Ramachandran
Chapter 26 – Successful Management of Coral Reef-Watershed Networks
Richmond R, Golbuu Y, Shelton A.
Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc, 701pp. 2019

“Paradise of Nature: Understanding the Wonders of Palau”
Rengiil G, Kitalong A, Tsuchiya M
Besebes M, Del Rosario G, Eberdong M, Fujita Y, Golbuu Y, Gouezo M, Hongo C, Idechong N, Lida A, Isechal A, Kitalong A, Koshiba S, Kurihara H, Marshel A, Miles J, Miyakuni K, Nakamura T, Olsen A, Patris S, Rehm L, Reimer J, Rengiil G, Santos M, Soaladaob K, Soaladaob N, Tellei P, Tsuchiya M, Ucharm G, Victor S, Yalap Y.
Palau International Coral Reef Center, Palau
291pp. 2017

“Marine protected areas Country case studies on policy, governance and institutional issues”
Sanders, J.S.; Gréboval, D.; Hjort, A. (comp.)
Friedman K, Golbuu Y
Rome, FAO.
118pp. 2011

“Spatial variability of coral bleaching in Palau during a regional thermalstress event in 2010”
A Report to The Nature Conservancy
Golbuu Y, Isechal AL, Idechong JW, van Woesik R.
Palau International Coral Reef Center, Koror, Palau
15pp. 2010

“The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems on the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008”
J.E. Waddel and A.M. Clarke (eds.)
The state of coral reef ecosystem of Palau
pp. 511-539
Marino S, Bauman A, Miles J, Kitalong A, Bukurow A, Mersai C, Verheij E, Olkeriil I, Basilius K, Colin P, Patris S, Victor S, Andrew W, Golbuu Y
NOAA/NCCOS Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s Biogeography Team
Silver Spring, MD.
569pp. 2008

“Coral Reefs of Palau”
Kayanne H, Omori M, Fabricius KE, Verheij E, Colin P, Golbuu Y, Yukihira H. eds.
Palau International Coral Reef Center, Palau
238p. 2007

“Tropical marine plants of Palau“
Ohba H, Victor S, Golbuu Y, Yukihira H
Palau International Coral Reef Center, Palau.
154pp. 2007

“Introductory handbook for biological and social monitoring of MPAs in Palau”
Mersai C, Severance CJ
Palau International Coral Reef Center
47pp. 2006

“The state of coral reef ecosystems of the United States and Pacific freely associated states: 2005“
J. Waddell (ed.)
The state of coral reef ecosystem of Palau
Golbuu Y, Bauman A, Kuartei J, Victor S
Silver Spring, MD
522pp. 2005

“Status of coral reefs of the world: 2004”
Wilkinson, C. (ed.)
Status of the coral reefs in Micronesia and American Samoa
Abraham T, Berger M, Burdick D, Cochrane E, Craig P, Didonato G, Fenner D, Green A, Golbuu Y, Gutierrez J, Hasurmai M, Hawkins C, Houk P, Idip D, Jacobson D, Joseph E, Keju T, Kuartei J, Palik S, Penland L, Pinca S, Rikim K, Starmer J, Trianni M, Victor S, Whaylen L
Australian Institute of Marine Science
557pp. 2004

“Status of coral reefs of the world: 2002”
Wilkinson, C. (ed.)
Status of the coral reefs in Micronesia and American Samoa: US affiliated and freely associated islands in the Pacific
Richmond R, Kelty R, Craig P, Emaurois C, Green A, Birkeland C, Davis G, Edward A, Golbuu Y, Guitierrez J, Houk P, Idechong N, Maragos J, Paulay G, Starmer J, Taflileichig A, Trianni, M, Velde NV
Australian Institute of Marine Science
378pp. 2002

“Status of coral reefs of the world: 2000”
Wilkinson, C. (ed.)
Status of coral reefs of American Samoa and Micronesia: US-Affiliated and freely associated islands of the Pacific
Birkeland CE, Craig P, Davis G, Edward A, Golbuu Y, Higgins J, Gutierrez J, Idechong N, Maragos J, Miller K, Paulay G, Richmond RH, Tafileichig A, Turgeon D
Australian Institute of Marine Science
363pp. 2000